One of the most powerful creatures from the plane of Eridu is the mindless genesis engine known as the Mu Spore. Depending on the creature's size and power, they can seed dead lands or even worlds, injecting barren environments with life giving energy. One such creature was brought and stored on the realm of Seronia thousands of years ago during The Nameless Wars between the fey and servants of the Old Ones. The fey thought to use the Mu Spore as a deterrent against the servants of the Old Ones- should they lose the war, they would simply unleash it's potential and reset all organic life to its basest level.

However, the servants of the old ones were patient and allowed the Servus Dei, those that lived on Seronia who did not wish to be servants of the fey, weaken and distract their enemies for them. Warriors such as Sereg the Conqueror and others fought to carve out their own lands against the fey, which allowed the servants of the Old Ones to focus on the Mu Spore threat. With a powerful binding spell, they rendered the Mu Spore inert, in a mindless slumber beneath the lands now known as Selvandi. The servants stayed hidden and allowed the Servus Dei to believe the war was over with the enforcement of the Ne'hemo Anima. The Mu Spore slumbered while the Servus Dei built their first societies- and the servants returned to their machinations.

The spore however, was far from dormant. The fungal composition consumed those few that encountered it, creating a mindless servitor force for a number of decades. These mindless creatures protected it and eventually learned how to communicate through pheromones. Eventually, centuries passed and the immensely powerful magics of the Mu spore caused it's children to evolve at a phenomenal rate. Basic language gave way to full assimilation of the species it encountered and eventually they learned how to camouflage themselves by accessing memory in the DNA and recombining it to look like those the Mu spore had previously consumed. They shared a hive mind and lived in a close community where they were all one.

Eventually, the children of Mu exposed themselves to the elves and humans who had settled Selvandi in hopes of learning more about the races that had helped create them. Unfortunately, it lead to the discovery of the Mu spore once again, which threatened to awaken when powerful forces attempted to use it as a weapon in a war between the returning fey influence and the newly established human kingdom. As a result, the humans used a powerful spell to send the Mu spore off world into it's neighboring moon. 

When it seeded the dead rock, the children of Mu suffered a cataclysmic disconnect from their hive mind. Now struggling with individuality and the loss of what most viewed as their living god, the Mulvan (as they were named by the elves) are coming to terms with loneliness and the unknown. Having lost their society where everyone knew each others thoughts, what they needed, with no facades or deceit, the Mulvan are often targets for cons and manipulation. Some have found out the hard way that not all Mulvans are doe eyed and trusting – some have grown callous and distrusting, seeing potential danger in every kind gesture, every outstretched hand. These Mulvan are dangerous shapeshifters, who use their skills as assassins and knife men. Some have tapped the latent energy found within their veins to become powerful casters, losing themselves in their inner voice rather than listening to the outside world.


+4 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Intelligence Mulvan pheromones are powerful, but their hormone-based learning means they have a hard time with most academics.

  • Medium: Mulvan are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Normal Speed: Mulvans have a base speed of 30ft.
  • Low Light Vision: Mulvans can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. See Chapter 7.
  • Process Pheromones: Mulvans gain scent, except it only works on other mulvans and creatures under a charm, fear, morale, or rage spell or effect. In addition, mulvans receive a +2 to Bluff to pass hidden messages and a +2 to Sense Motive to receive them when they are within 30ft of the target (if upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet.).
  • Histogenesis: Mulvans have the extraordinary ability to change either into a human or elf form (chosen at character creation). The form's appearance is static and cannot be changed each time it takes this form. Mulvans gain a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as a member of the race it assumes. Histogenesis is a full-round action. This trait otherwise functions as alter self, save that the creature does not adjust its ability scores, nor is it a magical effect.
  • Photosynthesis: Mulvans who spend at least eight hours a day in sunlight and rest fully at night may heal one extra hit point per day per character level. Mulvans that do not spend at least four hours a day in light cannot recover any hit points naturally, even with a full day of rest. A mulvan can go without sunlight or water for one day plus a number of hours equal to her Constitution score. After this time, the character must make a daily Constitution check (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or sustain 1d6 points of subdual damage. This subdual damage cannot be recovered or magically healed until the mulvan receives sufficient sunlight.
  • Immunity Receptors: Mulvan receive a +2 to saves vs. mindaffecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorph and stunning.
  • Darkness Sensitivity: Mulvans suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks when in complete darkness. This penalty is in addition to any other penalty or miss chance.
  • Languages: Mulvans begin play speaking Common and Mulvan Pheromone Spores.


Originating from the same interstellar spore as the Mulvan did, the Karuon developed independently from their fungal counterparts. Where the Mulvan adapted by mimicking the races they came in contact with, the Karuon learned to survive by rewriting their cellular memories through self-replication. As the Karuon also learned through pheromone based osmosis, they differed by being able to use their collected knowledge as a genetic imprint. When they decide to asexual reproduce, they essentially die and come back with whatever memories and skill sets they deem necessary to survive.

One story tells of a bandit warlord that found a Karuon settlement in Selvandi. The Karuon seemed peaceful and had no warriors among them. Upon making demands for tithing and forced protection, the Karoun asked for one week to gather the needed tribute for the warlord. After time passed, the warlord and his bandits visited the settlement, only to find the Karuon had replicated themselves into hardened warriors, slaughtering the entire force.

Karuons lose Histogenesis and instead gain the following:

  • Morphogenesis: As a full round action, a karuon can trigger his internal regeneration process. Provided he isn't killed within 2d6 days, his outer shell sloughs off into decaying plant matter, revealing a healthy duplicate underneath. The karuon gains a negative level and can reallocate his skills and feats. 

Table: Mulvan Random Starting Ages and Aging





10 years




Middle Age



Maximum Age

20 years

30 years

40 years

+2d10 years

Table: Mulvan Random Height and Weight


Base Height

Height modifier

Base weight

Weight Multiplier





X 3lbs





X 3lbs

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