The actual origins of the Agogi are often debated. Some say the Agogi were a warlike race subdued by the fey into servants, Others believe that the Agogi were actually not humanoid creatures to begin with and came about through magical manipulation. Some say both because their language is a hodgepodge of Draconic and Sylvan. 

While the truth is unknown, the Agogi themselves are fairly obvious. With most around seven feet tall and weighing over 300lbs, the Agogi are powerfully built reptilian humanoids with a reinforced skeletal system and thick, natural plating. Hairless, the Agogi's leathery skin is studded with tiny bumps that act as not only natural armor, but sensory aids. Their colors are reminiscent of pointillism contrasts, often comprised of two to three colors. The most common colors are various shades of green, rust, black and mustard. Some have been found with rarer tones that included gold, red and white. In old age, the skin becomes mottled and hangs loose. Their jaw line Is extremely wide, with the corners of their mouths almost reaching their temples. At first glance, the Agogi seem toothless, but their tiny serrated teeth are actually underneath a gum flap which is lacerated during feeding to produce their signature toxic red saliva which aids in swallowing food without chewing and poisoning enemies with their virulent bacteria.  

While Agogi do have claws present on their hands and feet, they are too stunted to be of any effective combat use. They also feature a small, vestigial tail. Agogi, despite their size and strength, are not a particularly hostile race. One feature of the Agogi that gives most other races a reason for pause is their lack of culinary discretion. With only a few taste buds in the back of their throat, the Agogi will eat almost anything with no moral regrets, with some communities living off almost entirely carrion and even their own dead. Their original society revolved around barter and labor, with everyone performing a “useful job” (i.e. building, cooking, hunting, healing) and sharing wealth in a communal pot. Once they were discovered during the exploration of Selvandi, the Agogi began adapting some elements of other cultures (especially religion), but most pure Agogi settlements remain hidden, secular and largely unchanged. Agogi can be found in a number of nations now, especially in the Selvandi kingdom of Thorn March where xenophobia is nearly nonexistent and the arid climates of Mashrek and Bilad, where Agogi flourish because of their love of heat and those country's demands for hired muscle. Some evil individuals capture Agogi and enslave them in gladiatorial pits for sport. Unlike other gladiators who can earn their freedom, these captured Agogi are often unfairly set up to fall to the blade of the local celebrity.

Above all of this however, is the unusual naming traditions of the Agogi. The Agogi believe that knowledge of one's true name is a very sacred trust. This lead to some initial difficulty in the integration of them in other societies. When an Agogi shares their name with an individual, there is an exchange of gifts called namestones, typically a smooth gem or other mineral. The reason behind the smoothness and material composition was so the Agogi could swallow someone's namestone before battle to protect it and excrete it safely at a later time. The weight in the Agogi's stomach reminded him of who he was fighting for and that his namefriend's power was within him. Recently, the exchanging of names has sometimes involved sexual  contact, but most Agogi feel this cheapens the ritual by introducing an element of life that is prevalent everyday in nature, as the ritual should be exceedingly rare. Because of this, an Agog will exchange his or her name with any gender or race they feel is worthy. An exchanged name will typically happen only once or twice in an Agogi's life, and only when the other party dies or commits an act the Agogi feels is nefarious enough to warrant an end to their bond (which means the Agogi typically kills said individual to reclaim their sacred name). This is as close as the Agogi gets to marriage, believing that monogamy is not conducive for the tribe. 

Today, Agogi adopt honorific names in order to be individually identified by other races who have issues telling them apart (a problem other Agogi do not have). These honorific names typically allude to their aesthetic characteristics, chosen profession or a feat they have accomplished and wish to be known by. Some have begun to adopt honorific names that reference their bloodline or status in society, which is a new concept to the Agogi introduced by humans and other races.


+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence Agogi are mountains of muscle, but their culture doesn't have higher education.

  • Normal Speed: Agogi have a base speed of 30 feet
  • Carrion Scent: Agogi have a natural ability to sniff out carrion. This functions like the scent ability, but only for corpses (including undead) and badly wounded creatures (creatures with 25% or fewer hit points).
  • Bite: Agogi have a natural bite attack, dealing 1d4 + 1–1/2 times their Strength bonus. The bite is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the creature is wielding manufactured weapons.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Agogi will eat nearly anything that can provide sustenance, gaining a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened.
  • Natural Armor: Agogi receive a +2 natural armor bonus.
  • Sprinter: Agogi gain a +10 ft. racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.
  • Toxic Saliva: A number of times per day equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), an Agog can envenom their bite or a weapon that they wield with their toxic saliva. Applying venom in this way is a swift action. The venom uses the following stats: Agogi Saliva: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Con; cure 1 save.
  • Lexical Difficulty: Agogi start with their racial language of Agogi only and can only learn up to three other languages, one of which must be Common.

Avani are an aquatic breed of Agogi that served as slavestock for the underwater citadels of the aboleth. Raised to serve the Old Ones and act as pawns in complex games of intrigue, the Avani are extremely warlike, always suspicious of the deep around them for hidden threats and enemies. Some have escaped the yoke of their aboleth masters to become feared sea reavers and assassins.

Avani lose Carrion Scent, Extreme Omnivore, Sprinter and Toxic Saliva. Instead, they gain the following:

  • Swimmer: Avani have a swim speed of 30 ft. and gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants.
  • Amphibious: Avani can breathe both air and water.
  • Deep Sight: Avani are specially adapted to the lightless depths of the oceans, but not to air-filled environments. They can see in the dark up to 120 feet while underwater, but do not gain this benefit out of water.

Table: Agogi Random Starting Ages and Aging





14 years




Middle Age



Maximum Age

25 years

40 years

55 years

+2d10 years

Table: Agogi Random Height and Weight


Base Height

Height Modifier

Base Weight

Weight Modifier





X 7 lbs





X 7 lbs

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